Field Application Engineer
We are seeking a FAE who can support our customers in the implementation of Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Smart Sensor technology. The FAE role is a critical and very visible one and is responsible for prototype implementation through production projects, as well as delivering pre & post-sales support.
Elliptic Labs is a software company that develops world-leading, ultrasound-based machine-learning algorithms for touchless-gesture, proximity, and presence sensing. The algorithms are designed to run on small, low-power embedded systems and are used to deliver innovative user experiences on smartphones, laptops, and IoT-devices. Today, software from Elliptic Labs is deployed in hundreds of millions of devices around the world. Learn More.
Primary Responsibilities
- Provide system-level technical support to customers during all phases of customer’s product development
- Provide system integration for both Windows- and Linux-based laptop systems
- Training and maintenance of Elliptic Labs’ AI Virtual Smart Sensor Platform using Elliptic Labs’ MLaaS tools, and to also maintain its build and release process
- Provide technical onsite support, demonstrations, training, installations, and troubleshooting
- Analyze customer’s technical requirements, direction, and needs
- Present products and solutions to existing and prospective customers (including live demonstrations of our products and presentations to groups)
- Work closely with the sales team to close new business opportunities
Desired Skills & Experience
- BS or MS degree with an Electrical Engineering or Software Engineering background
- Chinese & English language skills desired
- Working experience with analog and digital design
- Understanding of audio and acoustics
- Experience with Windows, especially with Windows Sensor and Audio framework
- Ability to debug portable devices via ADB, Linux tool, and Windows tools
- Strong communication and coordination skills
Please send your resume and cover letter to: [email protected]
关于Elliptic Labs
Elliptic Labs 是一家面向智能手机、笔记本电脑、物联网和汽车市场的国际企业。公司成立于2006年,衍生自挪威奥斯陆大学(Oslo University)的一家分支研究机构。公司的AI专利软件结合了超声波和传感器融合算法,提供直观的3D无接触手势交互、接近感应和存在检测功能。其可扩展的AI虚拟智能传感器交互平台创造了可持续性的、生态友好的纯软件传感器,并已有上几亿台设备搭载其技术。Elliptic Labs是市场上唯一一家使用AI软件、超声波和传感器融合进行大规模商用的软件公司。 公司在奥斯陆证券交易所(Oslo Børs)上市。
Elliptic Labs公司总部设在挪威, 在美国、中国、韩国、 中国台北和日本均有分支机构。Elliptic Labs的技术和专利在挪威开发,归属公司专有。
Patrick Tsui
[email protected]
Lars Holmøy
[email protected]