000-000-0000 [email protected]

Share Information

Elliptic Labs (ELABS)

Share Performance

Share Facts

Largest Shareholders

Primary Insiders

Insider Trades

Analyst Coverage

Analysts who follow Elliptic Labs provide research data on the Company’s performance. Please note that any opinions, estimates, or forecasts regarding Elliptic Labs’ performance belong to those analysts alone and do not represent the opinions, forecasts, or predictions of Elliptic Labs or its management. The reference/distribution of such information by Elliptic Labs does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions, or recommendations.

Company Analyst Phone
Carnegie Oliver Pisani +47 48 11 48 85
DNB Markets Christoffer Wang Bjørnsen +47 24 16 91 43
SpareBank 1 Markets Petter Kongslie +47 24 14 74 96



Contact Investor Relations

Lars Holmøy

[email protected]
+47 402 84 028
